The Irish Nomad

My work takes me to cities far and near, each different and (usually) exciting. The physical travel leads me on some revealing inner journeys as well. This is what happens when I write about it. And it's an excuse to vent, too, ya got me there.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Just the Way the World Works.

I started out like any other day:

Endless possibility, blinding contradiction and inscrutable truth.

Most beings continued to unconsciously obey the laws of gravity, though a woman asleep on a tattered lavender divan in Sellwood contemplated flying, but decided to wait until her husband (a confirmed rageaholic) fell to sleep watching American Idol...

...A squirrel found a used condom in Washington Park, disliked all the tastes associated with it, and told all his friends to steer clear of anything which smelled similarly....

...And equally importantly, a synchronicity passed unrecognized, as two couples whose relationships lay in ruin went through simultaneous wrenching but reverent breakups, the physicist woman of one couple and the part-time barista man of the other couple consciously unaware that these relationships they were mourning and how they would nurture themselves separately to recovery would bring them together in 5 years and 11 months in a chance meeting at a bank to eventually birth a child whose revolutionary ideas about the powers of the human mind would avert a geopolitical crisis of uneven income distribution in the year 2041....

And the earth kept spinning on its axis. Cows jumped over the moon. And I sat in a coffee shop and watched two lovers compare the size of their hands and narrow their world to each other with an unpracticed but ancient look into each other's eyes....

...Because that's just the way the world works.