You Can't Spell Ann Coulter without C-U-N... Well, you get the idea...
If you're not familiar with the firestorm surrounding anN CoUlTer's latest moneygrab, read about it it here. If you are, I'm here for ya, brutha.
Coulter's stock in trade is opinion. Incendiary, 'move them books off the shelves' opinion. Confronted, she invariably tosses off some flip rejoinder about how the truth hurts and people need to be hit over the head with it.
So in the interest of truth delivered in full-color BrutalVision(c), I'm going to take the male, knuckle-dragging perspective. And remember, she started it.
OK, Ann? I hate to be the one to break this to you, but... uh... you.. are not sexy.
I know, I know you think you are, because of, well... this...
...and this....
...and this, the front page picture on the official anN CoUlTer website, which you won't be surprised to find is sited at
...and I was raised around enough political correctness to know that I couldn't bring this up myself if you didn't make an issue of it first, but you use sex or try to, to sell your particular brand of hate. The amazing thing to me is that people buy it. I am around your age, though, and I do like all types of women, really I do, but for Christ's sake, eat some freakin' meat sometime, you gotta lose that crazy eye intense Loreena Bobbitt thing you got going. It's really off-putting to most men, even those dyed-in-the-wool Conservatives that jack off while drafting anti gay marriage bills because they may or may not be repressed.
As I think about this, I was going to go into a lengthy dissertation contrasting anN CoUlTer's words with some indisuptable facts, but as I examine the graphic library I've built up (a simple Google Image search with the pertinent name will give you these and far worse, or better, depending on your perspective. Make sure SafeSearch is off for best results), I think as far as just lowbrow sniping, they work pretty well. Let other people go into lengthy dissertations of the facts. I mean, come on, unless you sacrifice family pets on your backyard BBQ or still believe in supply-side economics, you've got to admit most of anN CoUlTer's stuff isn't factual either. So let the pundits debate, I choose to take refuge in good old American satire....
OK, for those of you who are sticklers for the truth, here are some links to true factual deconstructions of anN CoUlTer's bullshit:
- Take the "Coulter or Hitler" Quote Quiz
- Al Franken has done a beautiful job cutting down Ann without ever bringing up the rampant internet rumor that she is a transsexual (1) , given that there is no record of a woman named anN CoUlTer being born in Connecticut in 1962-63, her avowed birth year. Al, weary of shooting fish in a barrel, has moved on to form a PAC that promotes real Midwest Values.
- In the "Give 'Em Enough Rope" department, Ann in her own words.
(1) Neither does he bring up the fact that she holds a rather dubious world record.
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